Hangzhou to Yiwu

From Hangzhou Airport to Yiwu

Would you come to from Hangzhou airport to Yiwu? Hangzhou is a beautiful tourist city. Welcome to Yiwu from Hangzhou!

How to go to Yiwu from Hangzhou airport?

Actually, it’s all up to your arrival time. If your time is:
#1 Between 09:30-21:00(GMT+08:00), I suggest you go to Yiwu by airport bus (RMB60, 100min). Here is the timetable:
10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 12:20, 13:00, 13:40, 14:20, 15:00, 15:40, 16:20, 17:00, 17:40, 18:30, 19:30, 20:30, 21:30.
#2 Out of 09:30-21:00(GMT+08:00), you can take a taxi (50min, around 100RMB) to Hangzhou train station (or Hangzhou east train station, according to your time), then go to Yiwu by train.
You can also share a taxi (around RMB100) to Yiwu with others, if that’s a right time. I mean there is a taxi goes to Yiwu, AND there are other people share a taxi with you.So try arriving at Hangzhou airport between 09:30-21:00(GMT+08:00) if possible.
After arriving at Yiwu, take a taxi to your hotel. Yiwu is small, so no problem. We can pick up you from Yiwu bus station or yiwu train station using our company car (5-seat car Mercedes Benz or 7-seat car Buick GL8 MPV). It is FREE for our customers. >> See Our One-Stop Yiwu Market Sourcing Solution TODAY!
Update by Claire on22,Mar,2012

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